Even the darkest night could become a beautiful day. Sorrow or despair could turn into a new life full of love, hope, and acceptance. We want to help, serve and bring the light of the Gospel into the lives of children and adults, which is able to heal hearts, renew minds and transform destinies and nations.

We are eagerly looking forward to transformations in Kenya and all African countries.


Ministry directions in KENYA
There are 55 children total who have lived in our orphanage, found shelter, love, care and daily food, which most of them have never experienced before. Also, through the atmosphere of support and Bible lessons, the children know how to build their lives with God at the center of it. Our goals are to develop their talents and give them a chance to receive an education and have a better future.
REHAB CENTER for Street Boys
We started this ministry in 2016 as outreach Bible meetings with homeless boys in Kakamega town. Understanding that they need real help, in March 2019 we opened our center where boys have undergone rehabilitation, counseling, Bible lessons, educational classes, learned practical skills and showed significant changes in their tempers. Since that time 128 boys total have been rehabilitated at our center. 
HOPE Rescue Center
One out of three girls under the age of 18 are sexually abused in Kenya. These girls have neither the choice, nor people or places where they could turn to for help. We want to give them a chance to get rid of the terrible past traumas for a renewed life with a bright future! Сurrently, we provide shelter, rehabilitation and counseling for 16 girls in our center. During 2021 year 48 girls total have received help and rehabilitation in our center.
Widowed women suffer unworthy, contemptuous attitudes from local society and live in desperate poverty. Moreover, they have no place to ask for help. Our goal is not just to help by providing grocery care packages but to share the Word of God with them, which can change lives and heal hearts! Currently, about 150 widows in Kenya receive support and can hear the gospel through this project. 
In November 2019 we had our 5th graduation of students from our missionary school in Kenya. All of them are people who want to serve and bring the Word of God to others. In three years, we have graduated 183 students — leaders and pastors, who currently work in different parts of their country. 
Despite the fact that Kenya is considered a Christian country, lots of people’s faith remains nominal. Also, Islam is swiftly spreading here- this is why Kenya needs active Christian missionary work. We send our ministers to the Muslim and pagan regions. As a result of the ministry, 73 churches were planted in different parts of Kenya.

Egypt, the most populous country in the Arab world and Africa, has an evangelical Christian population of less than 1%. 
Our ministry is centered in Cairo, primarily focusing on the Slavic population and extending our outreach to the broader community. 
Through personal meetings, home groups, and church planting, we engage people in the formation of a Christian community.
Our outreach includes a prison ministry, community programs, and a Women's Club, helping to address various needs and legal issues.


Morocco, a Muslim state in North Africa, is a place where local Christians face social and religious persecution. 
We provide pastoral support for underground churches and offer theological knowledge through our English-Arabic online Bible school, strengthening the faith of those who persevere under challenging circumstances.

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TN Island of Hope-Mukumu

On the territory of 3 acres of land, we are building a center that will provide shelter to:
○    Newborn babies
○     Children aged 2 to 5 years old 
○     Girls aged 5 to 18 years old
○     Girls who were victims of sexual abuse
Once the facilities are built, this territory will be able to accommodate up to 100 children! Here, more  orhans and victims of sexual abuse will find shelter, care, and will hear the Gospel. It will also give us abilities to help the youngest infants and give abandoned children a safe place for rehabilitation, support, and transformation.


What others have to say
Tatyana Yuskiv, Parma, Ohio

“This ministry is amazing. I can see children's lives being changed. Their eyes are just lit up with joy. You could literally feel God's presence there. The children's prayers and worship every night are just filled with so much passion. You can feel the strength of the Holy Spirit in their home. I felt as if this orphanage was my home too. It was very difficult for me to leave. When a place feels like home, you know that that place is special. I cannot wait to return!”

Your support can make a difference

Children are the future of Kenya, we don’t want to lose them.  By working together we are capable of doing so much more!